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Sales Team Training Programs for Excellence in Performance

    Sales Force is the driving force for any successful sales organization, and acquiring the right competency and skill set will enable the field force to represent a competitive advantage in a highly competitive market environment.

Today’s new generation (Generation Y) has a unique nature and require careful approach to match their expectations and at the same time help develop their skills to enable competent customer interaction process, to ensure customer advocacy and building strong partnership between the organization and its customers.

The upcoming program is a comprehensive approach for sales representatives at different levels of experience, starting from basic skills for freshly hired representatives up to the highly advanced skills for experienced representatives.

The Curriculum can be implemented as a whole or as stand alone learning events, based on a thorough TNA to identify the actual training needs to improve performance and as per the decision of the organization’s management team to decide on the content, frequency and time allocation.


Patient-Centric Selling

Description: PCS is a foundational program designed to enhance the one-to-one customer interaction in support of the customer experience for field sales representatives. It consists of 3 modules, including Professional Relationships, Professional Communication, and Professional Interactions. The modules have been designed by including all the elements of professional selling by merging the best of selling skills programs materials on the respective subject matter.
Learning Objectives:

As a result of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Define and demonstrate skills to create the positive customer experience.

  2. Define and demonstrate Patient-centric behaviors that build professional relationships.

  3. Enhance professional interactions, including setting call objectives, opening the call, questioning, sharing information, clarifying, gaining commitment, and evaluating the call.

Level: Foundational

Duration: 3 Days

Who should attend: All medical representatives.


Assertive Communication Skills

For successful salespeople

After completing this course, you will be able to:
•    Define assertiveness and its impact in communication.
•    Evaluate assertiveness level and how to potentiate it. 
•    Apply assertive communication in face-to-face interactions with your customer and establish a two-way dialogue.
•    Explain how Assertive communication is a skill to enhance the customer relationship, focusing on a win-win situation.

Level: Advanced

Who Should Attend: Assertive Selling Training for all people who wish to develop their assertive behaviors when dealing with others, on a personal or professional level.

Duration: Two Days



Advanced Selling Skills
Questioning and Listening

Description: This course is designed to be an extension of Patient Centric Selling training focused specifically on advanced questioning and listening skills.
Learning Objectives:

As a result of this program, participants will be able to:
- Distinguish between the impact of verbal communication and non-verbal communication. 
- Recognize Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) interpretations
- Differentiate between hearing and active listening 
- Demonstrate active listening techniques
- Recognize "Why" you are asking questions
- Identify "What" you need to uncover
- Demonstrate "How" to create strategic questions
- Practice "When" and "How" to utilize use strategic questions to uncover deeper layers and create positive customer experience

Duration: Two Days.

Who Should Attend: Medical representatives who have participated in Patient Centric Selling six to twelve months. and need to master questioning and listening skills

Level: Advanced.



Advanced Selling Skills
Closing the call and asking for Business

Description: This course is designed to be an extension of Patient-Centric Selling training focused specifically on advanced Call Closing skills.
Learning Objectives:

As a result of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Assess and solve for challenges and barriers to effective & consistent closing.

  • Assess, construct & practice different types & styles of closes based on the customer

  • Monitor 10 selected customers to assess their progress on the adoption continuum.

Duration: One Day

Who should attend: Medical representatives who have participated in patient-centric selling for six to twelve months and need to master call closing skills.

Level: Advanced


Trust & Value-Based Negotiations


Course Objectives:
Sales teams face challenging negotiations on a daily basis and need to acquire the skill to handle these situations professionally. Understand the different negotiation styles and assess their own style. Prepare a written negotiation action plan and conduct successful negotiation based on the win-win approach.
Learning outcomes:
Describe a trust- and value-based negotiation (according to the Harvard Model). 
Define the framework for trust- and value-based negotiations.
Describe the process of a trust- and value-based negotiation as plan, implement, and evaluate. 
Conduct a negotiation using the trust- and value-based negotiation process, framework, and evaluation criteria. 
Define negotiation and successful negotiator.
Building a negotiation action plan.
Implementing negotiation techniques
Defining the BATNA
Practicing real case

Duration: Two Days

Who Should attend:: Senior medical representatives who want to master negotiation skills.


The Adoption Ladder (B-A Shift)
The customer journey

Description: At the end of this workshop you will:

  • Understand all of the concepts in the Segmentation & Targeting process.

  • Be able to define and recognize Adoption Ladder steps, behavioral indicators, & determination questions.

  • Recognize the importance of drivers of choice and how to tailor key messages with appropriate supporting materials.

  • Integrate the Adoption Ladder concepts into PCS.

  • Further improve your PCS selling skills by practicing and using Adoption Ladder concepts in role plays.

Duration: Two Days

Level: Foundational

Who Should Attend: All medical representatives


Advanced Selling Skills
Adaptive Selling techniques handling difficult customers
(Customer Behavioral Styles)

Course Description: This training program is designed for sales professionals seeking to enhance their selling capabilities by adapting to various customer behavioral styles. Participants will learn how to handle challenging customer interactions with confidence and develop skills to tailor their approach to diverse customer personalities. By the end of this course, attendees will be equipped with practical tools and techniques to drive sales success in any scenario.
Learning Objectives:

  • Explore adaptive selling techniques to effectively tailor sales approaches to different customer behavioral styles.

  • Identify strategies for handling difficult customers.

  • Enhance communication skills to build stronger, trust-based relationships with clients.

  • Develop personalized action plans to implement advanced selling techniques in real-world scenarios.

Duration: Two Days

Level: Advanced

Deliverable: Personal action plan, role plays

Who Should Attend: Medical representatives who need to master adaptive call skills.​


Group meetings and Presentation Skills

Description: This course is designed to help pharmaceutical medical representatives improve their group meeting, roundtable discussions, and presentation skills. 
Learning outcomes:
This course will cover the following topics:

  • Group meeting and round table discussion skills:

  • Planning and preparing for group meetings (Target audience selection and venue preparation)

  • Facilitating effective group discussions

  • Managing group dynamics

  • Making decisions as a group

  • Presentation skills:

  • Planning and preparing presentations

  • Delivering engaging and informative presentations

  • Using visual aids effectively

  • Handling questions and objections

  • Call for Action and commitment by the group

Duration: Two days

Level: Foundational

Who should Attend: All medical representatives conducting AV meetings, RTDs, group meetings.​


Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(For better Account management)

Course Description: The Critical Thinking classroom course is designed to introduce a decision-making process that can be used to examine how biases can limit effectiveness in framing, collecting, and interpreting data.  Two common issues related to critical thinking are also discussed, including coming to conclusions and learning from experience.  During this course, participants will share practices and reflect on their own critical thinking skills and how to improve them. 

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the Critical Thinking course, participants will be able to:

  • Scan the environment more rigorously for shifts and trends in markets and accounts through increased awareness of information-gathering biases.

  • Make better decisions through increased understanding of the effects of overly constricted framing and limited information-gathering

  • Respond more effectively to customers based on the way you frame--or make sense of—situations.   The way you frame can impact how you perceive choices or do not see choices and how you find, interpret, and assign value to evidence.

  • Increase the effectiveness of the account review process based on more thorough interrogation and valuing of information gathered and through identifying data that was not scrutinized initially.

  • Level: Advanced

Duration: One Day

Who should attend: Senior representatives who need to master problem-solving skills



Hospital & Account management

Learning Objectives, by the end of this program participants will be able to:

  • Describe customer roles and responsibilities    

  • Describe the relationship mapping process 

  • Build a relationship map

  • Apply account management behaviors as you create a comprehensive Account Plan

  • Utilize strategic planning skills to filter business information 

  • Validate business opportunities and challenges

  • Develop a Representative Summary of your Account Profile and Plan  

  • Create relevant Action Plan

Duration: Two Days

Level: Advanced

Who Should attend: Senior medical representatives managing key accounts and major hospitals

Sales Team Readiness is our Promise to our Partners

We strive to deliver tangible value with our tested training programs.

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